Cheese & Coppa

Allied Products

Pesto, Passata, Olives, Olive oil, tomato pulp, anchovies, butter, cream…


Blue, firm, soft, creamy, hard and more

Cured / Aged Meats

Dry, aged, cured, smoked, pickled, pressed, fermented whole muscle meats, Salumi

Cheese and Coppa was established in 2005 to meet the diverse but particular needs of suburban and country living with all produce fresh and locally sourced, while those unavailable were sourced internationally. Salumi , Salami, dried, cured, smoked and aged meats all with distinctive flavour and aromas.

Salumi (whole cured muscle groups) , Salami(minced, cured, dried), as well as dried, cured, smoked and aged meats all with distinctive flavour and aromas.

Authentic Italian Cheese, cold meats and allied products are offered. Cheese from around the world are also offered and if we do not offer it a substitute may be suggested!

Many of these cheeses and meats are from other countries. French cheese, English cheese, Swiss cheese, Greek cheese, Dutch cheese and cold meats from a variety of countries including Italy, Spain, Portugal and even South Africa with our own Biltong, dry wors and Cabanossi and Chilli bites/sticks(spicy morsels of deliciousness).

These products answer the call to all breakfast, brunch, dunch, luncheon and sustenance related meals. Offering a smorgasbord of product in individual form or that of a hamper, a weekly or monthly order.

So if this applies to you as your fave meal as a nib-let or a tasty array of products get in touch with us.

A struggling workaholic seeking sensualistic food pleasures and to be satiated: we take the hassle out with a courier option also.

Our products cater for the Paleo, Ketogenic (Keto) as well as the Banting diets. With meats and cheeses with high fat and protein content ideally suited to these diets and those looking for health alternatives to starch/carbs!

If we do not have stock or the item is not currently available allow is to suggest an alternative to the product. This ensures maximum enjoyment of CheeseandCoppa products at all times.

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