Feta, Goat cheese


Goat Milk Feta
Made from pasteurized goat’s milk.
Family: Feta.
Type: firm, brined, whey.
Fat content: 30%
Texture: soft, springy and supple.
Rind: rindless.
Colour: white.
Flavour: acidic, herbaceous, milky.

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Feta (Greek Φέτα, féta, "slice") is a brined curd white cheese made in Greece from sheep's milk or from a mixture of sheep and goat's milk. It is a crumbly aged cheese, commonly produced in blocks, and has a slightly grainy texture.

feta, fresh, white, soft or semisoft cheese of Greece, originally made exclusively from goat's or sheep's milk but in modern times containing cow's milk. Feta is not cooked or pressed but is cured briefly in a brine solution that adds a salty flavour to the sharp tang of goat's or sheep's milk.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Portion Size

250g, 500g, 1kg


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