Lonza (pork loin) Stagionata 70g 250g:sliced. 500g 1kg: whole


The “lonza stagionata” is a sausage obtained from the processing of pork that is boned, salted, massaged with care and left to mature for a period of at least 90 days with the addition of spices and aromatic herbs. It has a pleasant and delicate flavour.

The Italian word stagionata translates to “aged” or “matured” in English

SLICED IN PACKS of 70g or 250g : 500g and 1kg are WHOLE


The “lonza stagionata” is a sausage obtained from the processing of pork that is boned, salted, massaged with care and left to mature for a period of at least 90 days with the addition of spices and aromatic herbs. It has a pleasant and delicate flavoUr.

The Italian word stagionata translates to “aged” or “matured” in English

SLICED IN PACKS of 70g or 250g : 500g and 1kg are WHOLE

Additional information

Weight N/A

70g, 250g, 500g, 1.0kg

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